Student care

Student care

We strive to provide all students with the care and guidance they need, so that they can develop optimally. It is about the broadest possible form of good and Appropriate Education for every child.

There are students who need more than the basic offer. Students who have difficulty with the subject matter receive extra instruction, guidance or specific exercise material. More gifted students are challenged with extra subject matter and assignments. We try to tailor the offer as closely as possible to the educational needs of each child.

For a detailed description of the care structure, download our Care Plan / School Support Profile (SOP).

Internal consultation

At 't Startblok, the children are closely monitored during their school career. We have regular (internal) consultations about your child during discussions between internal supervisors, management and teachers. The goal may be clear: to visualize the development in order to ensure that children develop as well as possible in all areas.

It is possible that the development of your child (temporarily) takes a different course than expected. If the teacher finds this, you will be contacted. A discussion then takes place to find out possible causes and discuss solutions.

Student tracking system

We monitor the development of children from groups 3 to 8 by means of Cito's pupil monitoring system: Pupil in the Picture. This system provides insight into the development of arithmetic, reading comprehension and spelling. In addition to cognitive development, social-emotional development is also mapped out.

In groups 1 and 2, all developmental areas of the children are followed through observations by the teacher and then recorded in a digital registration system.Leerlingenzorg